R2 Areas to Include in R3

Another next step for this process is to receive feedback from the City Council on the implementation of Housing Element Program 1.3.h, which serves to increase allowed densities in the R2 Zoning District by incorporating some parcels into the R3 Zoning District Update. Areas that meet the intent of the program have been identified.

Housing Element Program
“Conduct a review of R2-zoned properties. For all properties, upzone to either allow density greater than typical R1 properties under SB 9 (at least four units per typical parcel, plus ADUs) or integrate the sites into the R3 Zone. Sites selected to integrate into the R3 Zone should be based on affirmatively furthering fair housing, access to transit, schools, and services and other policy goals.”

April 9, 2024 Council Direction
At their April 9, 2024 meeting, the City Council endorsed a framework of densities for the R3 Zoning District. The lowest density (“R3-A”) could be used for this program.


Height: 2.5 stories*

Density: approx. 15-25 units per acre

*State or Local Density Bonus could be utilized and enable additional height with a waiver.

Criteria for Areas to Rezone from R2 to R3-A
Based on the Housing Element language, the following draft criteria were established for this process:

1. Focus on neighborhoods south of El Camino Real and surrounding Downtown, to support the Housing Element’s affirmatively furthering fair housing goals.

2. Remove parcels that abut side or rear yards of R1 properties to support neighborhood transitions.

A map of sites meeting these criteria can be found within the comment tool.

Upcoming City Council Discussion
At their upcoming meeting, the City Council will provide direction on these criteria and heights and densities in areas where R2 will be rezoned to R3. Your feedback in the sections below can help inform that discussion.

In the sections below, provide comments about the draft R2 rezoning areas based on the criteria above, where you think other R2 rezoning areas should be considered, or other comments regarding heights or densities in these areas. Under “Map Comment Tools” you can provide your comments directly to a map. Under "General Comments" you can provide comments outside the map. Or use the links below.

Provide map comments on the Draft R2 Areas to include in R3

Provide general comments on the R3 Zoning District Update Project

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