December Happenings
This December, the City will be hosting another pop-up opportunity to provide feedback and will share an update with the Parks and Recreation Commission. Below are details on both opportunities:
Community Tree Lighting Celebration - Pop-up
Monday, Dec. 4 from 5:30-8 p.m. at Civic Center Plaza, 500 Castro Street
Swing by the Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan table to provide your input on future amenities, your vision, and more related to the Plan.
Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting
Wednesday, Dec. 13 at 7 p.m. Hybrid Meeting - in-person in the Plaza Conference Room at City Hall or virtual via Zoom
The Commission will receive an update on the Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan. The agenda packet for this meeting will be posted on the City's website by 5 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 8 at the following link:
Please join us for the above opportunity and continue to be an MVP in imagining the future of Mountain View's parks and recreation!