Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan

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Imagining the Future of Mountain View Parks and Recreation

Mountain View’s parks and recreation programs are an essential part of what makes this City a great place to live, work and play. While this has always been true, access to open space has become even more important as the community sought wellness and connection during and coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a lot to love about Mountain View’s parks and recreation programs, with well-used established parks and new parks being constructed such as Fayette Park, which opens in mid-October. In addition, seven new park sites are currently

Imagining the Future of Mountain View Parks and Recreation

Mountain View’s parks and recreation programs are an essential part of what makes this City a great place to live, work and play. While this has always been true, access to open space has become even more important as the community sought wellness and connection during and coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a lot to love about Mountain View’s parks and recreation programs, with well-used established parks and new parks being constructed such as Fayette Park, which opens in mid-October. In addition, seven new park sites are currently identified, and staff has the capacity to complete the construction of one to two new parks a year. Even with these plans for park expansion, there is a tremendous opportunity to reimagine our parks and programs to provide enhanced amenities and recreational offerings to meet the evolving needs of the community and to create better access to open space in underserved areas such as Monta Loma, Rex Manor, Whisman and other neighborhoods north of Central Expressway, as well as the Central and San Antonio areas.

To seize this opportunity, the City is developing a Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan. This Plan, one of the City Council’s top priority projects, will guide the future of the City’s park and open space resources, community facilities and recreation programming. Your creative ideas and input are key to shaping an innovative plan that is responsive to community needs and will accomplish a bold new vision for our parks, facilities and programs.

  • Parks and Recreation Commission Receives Update on March 12, 2025

    Share Parks and Recreation Commission Receives Update on March 12, 2025 on Facebook Share Parks and Recreation Commission Receives Update on March 12, 2025 on Twitter Share Parks and Recreation Commission Receives Update on March 12, 2025 on Linkedin Email Parks and Recreation Commission Receives Update on March 12, 2025 link

    On March 12, 2025, the City’s Parks and Recreation Commission will review and comment on the draft Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan’s Park Land Level of Service, specifically on how school sites and Shoreline at Mountain View are recommended to be calculated.

    Wednesday, March 12 at 7 p.m. Hybrid Meeting - in-person in the Plaza Conference Room at City Hall located at 500 Castro Street or virtual via Zoom at

    The agenda packet for this meeting will be posted on the City's website 72 hours before the meeting at the following link: The staff report and instructions on how to participate virtually will also be included in the agenda packet.

  • June 2024 Community Meeting Presentation Available

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    Thank you to everyone who joined us on June 26 and June 27 for our community meetings to share the Consultant team's findings from the Public Input phase and the park and program assessments. The PDF of the PowerPoint Slides is available under the Document section of this webpage, and the video from the Virtual Meeting can be found under the Video section and within this newsfeed item below. Continue to follow this page as we shift towards the Development phase of the plan process and updates will be shared when available.

  • Parks and Recreation Commission Receives Update on July 1, 2024

    Share Parks and Recreation Commission Receives Update on July 1, 2024 on Facebook Share Parks and Recreation Commission Receives Update on July 1, 2024 on Twitter Share Parks and Recreation Commission Receives Update on July 1, 2024 on Linkedin Email Parks and Recreation Commission Receives Update on July 1, 2024 link

    In addition to the two Community Meetings on June 26 and 27, the City's Parks and Recreation Commission will receive a Presentation on Monday, July 1 at 6 p.m. on the Public Input findings and findings from the program and site assessments, as well as next step and action plan for the development of the Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan.

    The Parks and Recreation Commission meeting is open to the public and will take place at Mountain View City Hall in the Plaza Conference Room, 500 Castro St. The meeting will also be available virtually by Zoom. The agenda with meeting and Zoom information will be posted by Friday, June 28, at

    If you were not able to attend the meetings this week, you'll have one more chance with this July 1 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting. We hope you all can participate in one of these three meeting options.

  • Upcoming Community Meetings - June 26 and 27

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    You spoke, we listened. Come learn about what we've heard so far on what the community imagines for the future of Mountain View parks and recreation. Community members are encouraged to attend one of the below community meetings to learn about the community input findings from the previous meetings, pop-ups, and surveys, program and park assessment findings, as well as the next steps and plan for action for the future phases of the Strategic Plan development process.

    In-person Community Meeting:

    • Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
    • Mountain View Community Center, 201 S. Rengstorff Avenue

    Virtual Community Meeting:

    • Thursday, June 27, 2024, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
    • Virtual via Zoom
    • Register in advance for this webinar:

      After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

    Interpretation Services will be available for both meetings in Spanish, Mandarin, and Russian.

  • Community-wide Survey Now Available

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    We're excited to announce that the City of Mountain View has initiated a comprehensive community-wide survey as part of our Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan community input process. This survey is designed to gather insights that will shape our decisions for the next 10-15 years. As a valued member of our community, your input is crucial in helping us understand and address our residents' evolving parks and recreation needs and preferences.

    Take the Survey Here, in your language of choice, through April 30, 2024:

    Your participation in this survey will enable us to:

    • Identify current priorities and areas for improvement in our parks and recreational facilities.
    • Understand the diverse needs and preferences of our community members.
    • Plan for the future to ensure that our parks and programs remain vibrant, accessible, and sustainable for generations to come.

    Your active participation in this survey and sharing the survey link with your friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues in Mountain View will significantly contribute to developing our Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan.

    Thank you for your participation and commitment to making Mountain View an even better place to live, work, and play.

  • December Happenings

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    This December, the City will be hosting another pop-up opportunity to provide feedback and will share an update with the Parks and Recreation Commission. Below are details on both opportunities:

    Community Tree Lighting Celebration - Pop-up

    Monday, Dec. 4 from 5:30-8 p.m. at Civic Center Plaza, 500 Castro Street

    Swing by the Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan table to provide your input on future amenities, your vision, and more related to the Plan.

    Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting

    Wednesday, Dec. 13 at 7 p.m. Hybrid Meeting - in-person in the Plaza Conference Room at City Hall or virtual via Zoom

    The Commission will receive an update on the Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan. The agenda packet for this meeting will be posted on the City's website by 5 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 8 at the following link:

    Please join us for the above opportunity and continue to be an MVP in imagining the future of Mountain View's parks and recreation!

  • What's going on in the background?

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    We launched a series of community and stakeholder meetings in early August to kick off the Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan project. As we continue to seek community feedback through pop-ups, intercept surveys, and the project website, we are actively working on various tasks in the background. Here’s what’s happening from September through December 2023:

    Park Assessments

    In late September, the consulting team began completing Park Assessments of Mountain View’s 45 parks. These assessments include inventorying and assessing the existing parks, recreation facilities, trails and open spaces. While the team visits the site, they conduct an evaluation of the park, open space, facility or trail, confirming the number and location of recreation amenities and gaining an understanding of visible conditions, access characteristics and design quality/functionality. Following the assessment, the team will record their findings for each park and facility in a report highlighting key themes and critical issues.

    Recreation Program Assessments

    Recreation programs and events are the key tools to bringing the community together, activating facilities and determining future spaces, be it parks or recreation facilities/complexes. City staff, in conjunction with the consulting team, is inventorying and assessing Recreation programs to review how well the offerings are aligned with community values, user demographics, program trends, underserved needs and envisions what future service delivery would look like. This process will provide strategies and recommendations for innovative and inclusive program offerings and will help identify any unmet programmatic needs of our diverse community.

    Organizational Culture Assessment

    As part of the plan development process and for the Community Services Department’s continued commitment to growth and development, staff participated in an IMPACT Culture Assessment. This assessment will deepen our understanding of the Department’s cultural dynamics that define and drive our organization and determine readiness to move forward on key recommendations that could come from the Plan.

    What else is next?

    We are still in the community input phase and want your continued input for this plan! We hosted a pop-up table at the Celebrate Shoreline event on Sunday, Oct. 15 and Saturday, Oct. 28 at Monster Bash where over 150 people at each event provided feedback on park and recreation features, vision for the future of Mountain View parks and recreation, and weighed in on where more park space is desired in Mountain View. We will be working towards scheduling more pop-ups this fall, and we will post the information on this website once it is available.

    Two surveys will also be conducted in early 2024. One is a statistically valid survey that will be sent by mail to a sample of households in Mountain View. This survey will be anonymous and will take about 10 - 15 minutes to complete. If randomly selected, residents are encouraged to take the time to complete the survey and weigh in on the type of new parks, activities and amenities they would like to see. The second survey is an online opportunity for the community to provide input. This will be shared via project website and open to all residents to take.

    Following the surveys, the City will host additional community meetings during which the results of the public input will be shared. The meetings will also provide additional opportunities for residents to give feedback on the future of Mountain View’s parks and recreation.

    In the meantime, please add your Ideas by clicking on the “Ideas” button next to “Newsfeed” and post your ideas for the future of Mountain View parks and recreation. See an idea you like on the board? Give it a thumbs up.

    Keep checking back, and we will post updates on the plan’s progress!

    Thank you for helping us #ImagineMVParks

  • Pop-in and provide your feedback at one of our October Pop-Ups!

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    This October, staff from the City and the consulting team will host two pop-ups to foster continued dialogue about the future Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan. We invite you to attend one or both of these events, where you can offer your valuable feedback, share your insights, and play a role in shaping the future of our parks and recreation programs.

    Celebrate Shoreline!

    Date: Sunday, Oct. 15

    Time: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
    Location: Shoreline at Mountain View
    Come visit us in the "Future" Section as we celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Shoreline at Mountain View. For more details about this event, please visit

    Monster Bash

    Date: Saturday, Oct. 28

    Time: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
    Location: Rengstorff Park
    We promise a frightfully fun time at the Monster Bash! While enjoying this spooky event, be sure to drop by our table and share your thoughts. For additional event information, please visit

    Mark your calendar and join us at these pop-ups. Together, let's make our community's parks and recreation even better!

  • Thank you from the MV team!

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    Thank you to everyone who attended the Public Meetings in person or virtually on August 21-22.

    If you could not attend these meetings, please see the Document section to review the presentation and the results from the Strategic Plan meetings. Recordings of both virtual meetings is available under "Videos".

    If you would like to provide input and was unable to through the meetings, please share your input with Recreation Manager Kristine Crosby at and Neelay Bhatt, CEO and Founder of Next Practice Partners, at

  • August Community Meetings

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    Help us imagine the future of Mountain View Parks and Recreation by joining us for one of four Community Meetings to kick off the Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan! All meetings will provide interpretation services in Spanish, Mandarin and Russian. Childcare and Light Refreshments will be available for the in-person meetings.

Page last updated: 05 Mar 2025, 02:05 PM