- Potential minor changes in development standards;
- Potential new planned public improvements (such as wider sidewalks or bicycle lanes);
- Potential policies or triggers to initiate a future amendment process that may change allowed densities at that time.
What is a Precise Plan?
A Precise Plan is the zoning district for a specific area and sets standards for new development and uses in the area it covers. They are a tool for coordinating future public and private improvements on specific properties where special conditions of size, shape, land ownership, or existing or desired development require particular attention. Examples of recent major Precise Plans in Mountain View include the North Bayshore and El Camino Real Precise Plans.
What are the goals of the Moffett Boulevard Precise Plan?
The Moffett Boulevard Precise Plan Project was identified as one of the City’s Strategic Priorities in the Fiscal Year 2023 - 2025 Work Plan. The project will implement the “Change Area” goals, policies and land uses in the Mountain View 2030 General Plan, which envisioned a revitalized corridor with a mix of land uses, functioning as an important gateway to the City’s Downtown. In addition, the project is required based on the City’s adopted and certified 2023 - 2031 Housing Element (Program 1.1(g)c.).
What was the recent direction from the City Council on this project?
At their November 19, 2024 meeting, the City Council provided input on the project’s Draft Visioning Framework, including some minor text changes. The Draft Visioning Framework is available at the meeting link above. A final version based on the Council direction will be provided at this website. The City Council also provided direction on the project area boundaries, including identifying several “future study area” locations. An updated Precise Plan project boundary map is available on the website.
What are the proposed boundaries of the Precise Plan, based on the November 19 Council direction?
The project boundaries include the properties fronting on Moffett Boulevard between Central Expressway and Moffett Plaza (at Cypress Point Drive), the Community Services Agency building on Stierlin Road, the Valero gas station on the corner of Moffett Boulevard and W. Middlefield Road and “future study areas”. The “future study areas” include 500 and 555 West Middlefield Road (Willow Park Condos, AvalonBay Eaves MV at Middlefield Apartments), 500 Moffett Boulevard (Shenandoah Square) and the block bounded by Willowgate Street, Horizon Avenue, Central Avenue and Santa Rosa Avenue, including Corto Street and Santa Clara Avenue. An updated Precise Plan project boundary map is available on the website.
On the project boundary map, what does “Future Study Area” mean? What if my property is in a Future Study Area?
These areas were identified because of their proximity to the Moffett Boulevard corridor and/or downtown transit center, and for their potential to contribute to future changes or policy goals for the area. The “future study area” designation means that there will be no changes to allowed densities as a result of this process, but this process may include:
Will the streets in the Moffett area be changed at all?
Some of the streets within the project boundaries will be studied for potential improvements. These improvements could include, but are not limited to, new bike lanes, street trees, lighting, and landscaping. Some of these street improvements are already in the process of being implemented by the City as part of capital improvement projects (CIP) (please visit the CIP Project Highlights webpage for more information). There is information regarding the Middlefield and Moffett Complete Streets Improvements and the Castro Grade Separation and Transit Center Access Improvements.
What is the current project schedule?
The project will continue with additional community outreach in Winter 2025 to receive public input on potential Precise Plan land use alternatives. Please visit the Project Website for more information on the project schedule.
How can I provide input?
The public is encouraged to participate in upcoming Precise Plan meetings, including public workshops and EPC and City Council meetings. The public can also contact Martin Alkire, City Consultant, with any questions or comments on the project at Martin.Alkire@mountainview.gov.
How can I receive updates on this process?
Please sign up at the Project Website to receive email updates regarding upcoming Precise Plan meetings.